General information and contacts


Goethe University Frankfurt

IG Farben-Haus

Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1 

60629 Frankfurt am Main 


For any information or request you can contact us at

Coordination Room:
Office IG 6.212
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
60629 Frankfurt am Main

Scientific Coordinator of the research group:
Silvia Schaefer

Scientific Coordinator of the integrated research training group:
Dr. Derya Nuhbalaoglu 

Steering Committee

Prof. Cecilia Poletto (Spokesperson)

Prof. Markus Bader (Deputy Spokesperson)

Prof. Hedde Zeijlstra (Deputy Spokesperson)

Prof. Esther Rinke (Spokesperson of the integrated research training group)

Prof. Katharina Hartmann (Diversity and equality Officer)

Dr. Irene Caloi (Representative of young PIs)

Participating institution

Goethe University Frankfurt:

Department of English and American Studies, FB10 Faculty of Modern Languages

Department of Linguistics, FB10 Faculty of Modern Languages

Department of Philosophy, FB08 Faculty of Philosophy and History

Department of Psycholinguistics and the Didactics of German, FB10 Faculty of Modern Languages

Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, FB10 Faculty of Modern Languages

Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, FB12


University of Göttingen:

Seminar for English Philology, Faculty of Humanities


University of Tübingen:

Department of Psychology, Faculty of Science