Daria Tack
Staff Doctoral researcher in project C04 The role of non-linguistic cognitive abilities in children’s negation processing Daria Tackis a doctoral researcher in Psycholinguistics at the Department of Psycholinguistics and Didactics […]
Staff Doctoral researcher in project C04 The role of non-linguistic cognitive abilities in children’s negation processing Daria Tackis a doctoral researcher in Psycholinguistics at the Department of Psycholinguistics and Didactics […]
PIs PI of project B02 Negative concord in adult L2 acquisition and project C05 Discourse matters? The role of discourse relations and type of events in child production and comprehension
Prof. Dr. Jacopo Torregrossa Read More »
Staff Doctoral researcher in project B02 Negative Concord in adult L2 acquisition Lorenzo Toniolo is a doctoral researcher in Acquisition at the Department of Romanistik (Goethe University Frankfurt). After completing
Staff Doctoral researcher in project C06 Comprehension of negation in child and adult speakers of Spanish and German Clara Vilà Dolado is a doctoral researcher in L1 acquisition, Syntax and
PIs PI of the project B01 Negation at the interfaces: Negation and existential quantification in German Gert Webelhuth is Professor of Linguistics at the Department of English Studies (Goethe University
Prof. Dr. Gert Webelhuth Read More »
PIs PI of project C03 Negation beyond language: interactions between verbal and non-verbal negation Merle Weicker is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Psycholinguistics and Didactics of German (Goethe
PIs PI of A02 Negative adjectives in language change A03 A comparative approach to the mysteries of the Jespersen cycle Helmut Weiß is full professor for historical German linguistics at
Prof. Dr. Helmut Weiß Read More »
Staff Doctoral researcher in project A01 Negation and cancellation Eleonora Zani is a doctoral researcher in Semantics at the Department of Linguistics (Goethe University Frankfurt). After completing her Master’s degree
PIs PI of projects A04 Resolving the Neg-raising paradox and B04 Negative scope mismatches in coordination. Deputy spokesperson Hedde Zeijlstra is a university professor at the Seminar for English Philology
Prof. Dr. Hedde Zeijlstra Read More »